Guardianship Services


Guardianship Services

A guardian is appointed by the courts only when all other avenues have been exhausted, and it has been determined an individual lacks full decision-making capacity.  Guardians can be appointed to oversee an individual's financial affairs, personal care, or both.  Guardians can be appointed under limited or full guardianships.  We work with the incapacitated individual and their families to advocate for their preferences and well-being.


Guardian of the Estate

A guardian of the estate becomes responsible for the incapacitated individual's finances including daily money management and long term estate management.

 Examples of guardian of the estate services:

●   Manage client's financial affairs, including income, expenditures, and resources

●   Apply for government benefits

●   Coordinate with Social Security, VA, and pension plans

●   Inventory, collect, and manage assets

●   Verify and pay obligations

●   Hold, secure and invest estate assets

●   Prepare accountings

●   Coordinate with tax professionals to prepare and file taxes

Guardian of the Person

A guardian of the person is responsible for ensuring the client's medical and personal care needs are met.  Services provided vary with the client's physical condition, mental condition, and living situation.


●   Regular visits to monitor care and well-being; including nutrition, medications, safety, and security

●   Advocate for the client's preferences and needs

●   Consider, coordinate, and consent to medical treatment

●   Arrange for in-home or community support services

●   Coordinate with community services, medical providers, DSHS, VA, Medicare, and other entities to assure our clients receive the maximum benefits



Guardianships of person and estate are established and monitored by the Superior Court. Guardians are appointed through a legal process that can impact an individual’s rights.  For this reason, guardianship should be only be sought when all other avenues have been exhausted.